What We Offer

What We Offer

Our main focus at the moment is Family Play as we feel that this is where play starts.

We have developed a wonderful new approach to helping families become playful, which is our variation on the Live Action Role Playing or Larping, that engenders a lovely improvisational current of play in a family that reaches all parts.

We also teach individual and group play, including workplace situations and community play.

Family Play

We teach our approach to becoming a Playful Family that opens up the family to new ways of seeing themselves and being with each other. We do this through start up exercises and games that in very simple ways help people to create their own personalised sense of family reality and to play with it.  This involves a simple introduction to our new Family Larping approach, that is then supported by set piece playful family areas to explore and make their own.  Alongside this we offer a comprehensive repertoire of games and activities and approaches for rendering any family alive, healthy, happy and bubbling with fun.

To this we add the understandings of the playful development of children as they grow.

To this we add playful family set piece building blocks for creating playful aspects of the family to serve the different needs ….

Family Sharing Circle, Family Agreements, Family Decision Making, Family Dreaming, Family Problem Solving, Family Challenges, Family Ceildahs ……. etc etc

Sacred aspects …… The Natural Initiation Path for the Family….. the node points of change in our lives and how to celebrate and honour them … for children and parents as we all grow older..

Seasonal Celebrations …. how to mark the changing of the seasons, just as we mark the changes in our lives, with celebrations and honouring and understandings,

Family Dreaming ……

Individual Play. We teach individuals how to approach their lives creatively and playfully, so all of their life becomes highly enjoyable. We teach repertoires of games for the person to draw on and use in different social situations as a toolkit. We teach playful responses to various life situations.

Dad’s Games ….We teach Dad’s repertoires of games and explain the More …….

Group Play We teach repertoires of games to play leaders, community groups, conscious businesses who celebrate their staff.

Nature Connection Play We teach repertoires of games and activities for connecting individuals and groups into Nature in hugely enjoyable and playful ways that deepens their sense of connection and community with the Natural world.

Community Games We teach and lead Communities into the playful discovery and creation of their own Earth centred Community. that is a warm loving, creative, strong, resilient, Nature connected and playful.

Community Larping and how to create a local living, celebratory, playful culture that is a joy to inhabit…..