Games Of Life
We specialise in helping individuals, families, groups, and communities discover and bring the wonderful current of Play into their lives. When we play with others, many vital and bonding things occur.
Contact, Connection, Trust, Respect, Awareness of boundaries, Limits Breaking the ice, Empathy, Laughter, Fun, Bonding, Sharing, Competition, Cooperation, Communication, Making agreements, Keeping agreements, Fair play
These all occur spontaneously, without words and they connect and knit the players together. When this happens our awareness and sense of connection to each other opens up and the sweet currents of fun, thrill and pleasure starts to flow through all the players. As long as all players keep the agreement of the game these currents keep flowing. They flow until the natural energy of the game completes and then subside.
In the world of children, the worse thing you can be is a ‘spoilsport’. A spoilsport is the person (s) who break the agreement of the game causing the energy of the game to drain away and so collapse and so ending the fun. In this we can observe a profound life lesson.
So when we play together with others, all these wonderful things happen subliminally along with the shared learnings and we generate huge nourishing flows of energy and enjoyment and these are essential to our well being as individuals, couples, families, groups and communities.
So not only do we have a great time and let off steam but we nourish ourselves and each other and build stronger social and personal bonds. this is what makes life work and it is why it is an evolutionary imperative in each of us just as it is in the animal world.